
I've created next pull request https://github.com/anaqreon/hubzilla-website/pull/21 with another translation fixes.
Additionally the decentralization_ru.png has next mistakes:
1. first text block: not 'аккоунты' but 'аккаунты';
2. second text block: not 'децентральной сети, называемой грид' but 'децентрализованной сети, называемой гридом'.
I don't have the image source so I cannot fix this.
Good luck. Hubzilla is amazing!
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decentralisation_ru.png from https://hub.libranet.de/cloud/nmoplus/hubzilla-project/Homepage/ is correct. Why are you confused?
I am confused because it looks correct to me. Perhaps you are having a browser caching issue?
neue medienordnung plus
Perhaps you are having a browser caching issue?
Maybe, sorry :-|.