Idea: Hubspace as distributed Hubzilla runtime environment. For some manner distributed Hubzilla Engine or distributed Hubzilla Processor. Similar as SETI@home .
Workflow for develop and use on demand of Hubzilla plugins on #Hubspace: develop -> upload in the Hubzilla Big Cloud (HBC) -> download or download on demand from the HBC. Hubzilla Big Cloud is Implement with BittorentServer plugin from René. Integrity of downloaded plugins can proved with #blockchain technology.
However It is not necessary on that graphic, that Gustav one plugin downloaded. I think it's possible, that one plugin done one task for Gustav on the hub of Rene. Or on the Hub of Andrew or on the Hub of Marie. Relationship of trust between involved people (Hubzilla Identities) postulate. Just one distributed service on demand.

#HubzillaRuntimeEnvironment #SETI@home #distributedHubzillaEngine #HubzillaProzessor #HubzillaProcessor #HubzillaDistributedProzessor #HubzillaDistributedProcessor #HubzillaBigCloud #HBC #BittorentServer #BittorentServerPlugin #downloadOnDemand #blockchainTechnology #blockchain #HubzillaBlockchain
Workflow for develop and use on demand of Hubzilla plugins on #Hubspace: develop -> upload in the Hubzilla Big Cloud (HBC) -> download or download on demand from the HBC. Hubzilla Big Cloud is Implement with BittorentServer plugin from René. Integrity of downloaded plugins can proved with #blockchain technology.
However It is not necessary on that graphic, that Gustav one plugin downloaded. I think it's possible, that one plugin done one task for Gustav on the hub of Rene. Or on the Hub of Andrew or on the Hub of Marie. Relationship of trust between involved people (Hubzilla Identities) postulate. Just one distributed service on demand.

#HubzillaRuntimeEnvironment #SETI@home #distributedHubzillaEngine #HubzillaProzessor #HubzillaProcessor #HubzillaDistributedProzessor #HubzillaDistributedProcessor #HubzillaBigCloud #HBC #BittorentServer #BittorentServerPlugin #downloadOnDemand #blockchainTechnology #blockchain #HubzillaBlockchain