synchronization/ deleting of files and folder on different locations
I moved files/ folder from location/ hub A. But the copies from moved files/ folder stay on the hub B. Is it correct behavior of Hubzilla? Hubzilla version on both hubs A and B is 2.8.1.
@Hubzilla Development+ @Hubzilla Support Forum+ #deletedObjects #movedObjects
@Hubzilla Development+ @Hubzilla Support Forum+ #deletedObjects #movedObjects
[resolved] visual notifications for "unseen grid activity" and "unseen channel activity" in version 2.8
last edited: Mon, 06 Nov 2017 07:21:05 +0100
I 'm loggedin in my
@Hubzilla Support Forum+ @Hubzilla Development+ #notifications #visualNotifications
channel. And I posted for channel with mention - @Wallzilla_-_token_and_wallet_infrastructure._DE:_Wallzilla_-_Token-_und_Bezahlinfrastruktur
- and with "+" @Wallzilla_-_token_and_wallet_infrastructure._DE:_Wallzilla_-_Token-_und_Bezahlinfrastruktur+
wall. I received notification email for my wallzilla channel as email. Why receive I none visual notifications on the wallzilla-channel? The Settings Show visual notifications including -> Unseen grid activity
and Unseen channel activity
are activated - s. screenshot. Both channels nmoplus and wallzilla are hosted on the same hub . The Bug is reported as issue 904
@Hubzilla Support Forum+ @Hubzilla Development+ #notifications #visualNotifications
What can I do for enabling of visual notifications on my primary location?
last edited: Sun, 26 Nov 2017 10:49:03 +0100
last edited: Sun, 05 Nov 2017 04:37:35 +0100
I see, that on the locations with hubzilla version 2.4RC receive I for the same profile visual notifications. For example on channels hucope or wallzilla. But for the same channels on the locations with hubzilla version 2.8 receive I none visual notifications.
Answer for my question: @Mike Macgirvin wrote:
In 2.8, notifications are now displayed on the right side of the content. On small displays which do not have space for the right side, you will need to click the ! (inside a triangle) to display the notifications and right side region.
Should be fixed upstream.