unique observer-identifier for bbcode and for Comanche Page Description Language

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I suggest unique identifier for variables [observer] in the Hubzilla specific codes for bbcode and $observer in the Comanche Page Description Language (CPDL) to use. The same identifier observer(bbcode) and observer(CPDL) confuse the Hubzilla-user, specially Hubzilla-Beginners and caused enquiries. I mean for example those unique identifier (proposal):
  • bbcode: observerBbc
  • CPDL: observerCpdl
German Version:
Ich nehme an, dass nicht nur für mich es ziemlich irritierend ist, dass die Bezeichner (Identifikatoren) für die o.g. Variablen [observer]  und  $observer identisch sind. Hinzu kommt, dass beide völlig unterschiedliche Variablen, die - nehme ich an - in Hubzilla in unterschiedlichen voneinander unabhängigen Modulen bearbeitet werden, für die Lösung von gleichen Aufgaben einsetzbar sind. Bin der Meinung, dass mit der Einführung von eindeutigen Identifikatoren für  [observer]  und $observer einer Vielzahl von Mißverständnissen und auch Anfragen an den @Hubzilla Support Forum+ bzw. an @Hubzilla Development+ vorbeugen kann und bitte hier für meinen Vorschlag abzustimmen.
Mike Macgirvin
What I was basically trying to say was, "This is open source, mate. If something needs fixing - fix it."
neue medienordnung plus
@Mike Macgirvin Can you may be summarise the definitions, idea for observer and $observer in a couple of sentences? The definitions, these up to now was used in the Hubzilla programming.
Mike Macgirvin
Hubzilla is a decentralised identity platform and the 'observer' mechanism provides access to some of these identity features in a way that is accessible for normal members. This may be used to alter the content or text of a published article (in the case of bbcode), or page layout (in the case of Comanche) based on unique characteristics of the person viewing the page. In each case the exact syntax depends on which facility (content or layout) you are using and the results you are trying to achieve.



The Comanche guide probably needs updating as there have been a lot of changes in conditional variable handling in the last few months. A lot of this can be copied directly from the code comments in Zotlabs/Render/Comanche.php, which are to my knowledge fairly accurate and detailed.