baseurl in notifications emails
I changed my primary hub from to I'm loggedin and post my messages from hub. But I receive in my mailclient notifications emails with links to How can I achieve, that notifications emails links to
@Hubzilla Support Forum+ #notifications #baseurl #primaryHub #mailhosting #hostingmail #mailhost
@Hubzilla Support Forum+ #notifications #baseurl #primaryHub #mailhosting #hostingmail #mailhost
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1. HUB-Admin muss das Plug-in "mailhost" aktivieren.
2. Einstellungen > Plugin-Einstellungen > Mailhost-Einstellungen
2. Einstellungen > Plugin-Einstellungen > Mailhost-Einstellungen
I can confirm this behaviour and started investigating for a possible bug report yesterday. But I had one Idea left which I have just ckecked and it might be the culprit.
Posible solution (tbc):
There is a plugin "Mailhost" which lets you chose several clones which host to use for mail notifications etc if you have several clones on several hubs. I have just enabled that addon and after that I found in my account settings that old hub enabled:
I will turn that off now, expect to see some change and will report back. But do have a look, quite likely you will have set the same configuration at some point.
- I once had a hub with another URL ( name (hubzilla playground)
- did a move to this new hub with new name and url
- double-checked yesterday whether I might have forgotten to deactivate the clone, no, as of now this is my only hub for this account
Posible solution (tbc):
There is a plugin "Mailhost" which lets you chose several clones which host to use for mail notifications etc if you have several clones on several hubs. I have just enabled that addon and after that I found in my account settings that old hub enabled:
I will turn that off now, expect to see some change and will report back. But do have a look, quite likely you will have set the same configuration at some point.
OK, es scheint zu funktionieren. habe gerade eine EMail erhalten mit einer Verbindungsanfrage. An die nun korrekte Channel-Adresse. Sieht erstmal gut aus.
Auch wenn ich keine visuelle Notification im Hub dafür sehe und der Channel offenbar schon wieder nicht mehr exisitiert. :) Ich geh mal von Tests aus.
Auch wenn ich keine visuelle Notification im Hub dafür sehe und der Channel offenbar schon wieder nicht mehr exisitiert. :) Ich geh mal von Tests aus. Heißt das, es gibt nur die Möglichkeit, das Problem über das 'mailhost' plugin zu lösen?
(wieso funktionieren eigentlich Erwähnungen von Nicht-Kontakten nicht - aber das ist ein anderes Thema
(wieso funktionieren eigentlich Erwähnungen von Nicht-Kontakten nicht - aber das ist ein anderes Thema

Exists other solutions for correct urls on notifications emails, except the mailhost solution?
@Hubzilla Development+ @Steffen K9 🐙 #MailhostSettings
Settings > Plugin-settings > Mailhost-Settings
@Hubzilla Development+ @Steffen K9 🐙 #MailhostSettings
@neue medienordnung plus und Steffen,
I don't know.
A better solution would be if you don't have that addon installed, to install it and to check then.
You might remove it afterwards.
I don't know.
A better solution would be if you don't have that addon installed, to install it and to check then.
You might remove it afterwards.
The problem is that you will receive notifications from each hub where you have a clone. They all send correct urls. These will be duplicates, with the links in each case pointing to the hub that sent you the email. The mailhost plugin solves this by only sending notifications from one hub. In order for it to work correctly, it will need to be installed on every hub where you have a clone.
You might actually try to work out what valies you need to modify inside the database. But if you cannot install the plugin you will most likwly not have access to the DB. And you could easily break your identity/hub.
What happened, if I remove my old clon?
That depends on whether or not your old clone was the mailhost.
@neue medienordnung plus
this git log might be of interest within this thread.
this git log might be of interest within this thread.
remove mailhost addon (functionality moved to core)
remove mailhost addon (functionality moved to core)
In my case the old clone was the mailhost. That hub and domain disappeared completely. On the new hub I marked the new clone as main instance. After I found that leftover mailhost configuration mails are not only arriving in a much more timely manner but also naming the correct hub / domain.
@h.ear.t | tobias
Kannst du mal diesen Satz
And you could easily break your identity/hub.
Kannst du mal diesen Satz
After I found that leftover mailhost configuration mails are not only arriving in a much more timely manner but also naming the correct hub /'s deutsche übersetzen. Komme g'rad nicht dahinter, was du meinst.
@neue medienordnung plus Nachdem ich das Mailhost-Addon installiert hatte, fand ich die übriggebliebene Mailhost-Konfiguration in meinem Account. Seitdem ich diese Konfiguration gelöscht habe, treffen auch die Notification-EMails zeitnah ein (vorher zT mit einigen Stunden Verzögerung) und benennen jetzt auch den korrekten Hub mit der korrekten Domain.
Also mailhost-Plugin maked visible your mailhost settings with wrong url values from old clon, correct? Is it correct, that your old clon was already eliminated, during you eliminated the old url values from your new hub?
I cloned. I do not remember when exactly I changed my primary hub setting. Then I deactivated the old hub, i.e. the domain no longervconnected before it was later deleted.
I changed
@Hubzilla Support Forum+ @Hubzilla Development+
in hosting mail, but the number NNN from notification mail here is wrong. This NNN number is valide for old hub.@Hubzilla Support Forum+ @Hubzilla Development+