channel clone at the same hub
I would like build one clone from my channel at the same hub. For example:
#channelClone !Hubzilla Development !Hubzilla Support Forum
- I export channel A with webname from hub
- I change channel webname in the file .json to Clone
- I import channel A with webname Clone on the hub
#channelClone !Hubzilla Development !Hubzilla Support Forum
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On the new hub on the import page, fill in
and don't mess with the file at all. I forget which version this first appeared but I believe it's been around for at least a release or two.
Use this channel nickname instead of the one provided
and don't mess with the file at all. I forget which version this first appeared but I believe it's been around for at least a release or two.
The channel "key" (hash) IS the channel identifier and yes, must be unique. What would be the benefit of cloning a channel on a hub? Is it "only" to change the name?
@Moussieri do you see your channel name used in the post too? It's weird. I see mine.
@Moussieri, @J P Sousa Paula... what you see are Hubzillized links... 

If you look at the source (wheel icon menu) it makes sense that this posting refers to the one reading it 

I would like build one clone from my channel at the same hub. For example: - I export channel A with webname from hub
- I change channel webname in the file .json to Clone
- I import channel A with webname Clone on the hub
Is it possible? Must I change channel webname on only one location in the file .json?
When you import one channel to another hub you can either leave the web name as it is or provide a new one. This does not circumvent that the channel id remains the same. You would need to directly delete the old channel from the database, this cannot be done from the webgui. There was a reason why the channel ID remains in the DB but I do not recall that now. I am also not sure whether it will be automatically dropped after some time. But I am currently testing that. On one hub my channel was deleted and I am watching whether it remains in the DB forever or not, I'd like to know that, too.
I see a use case / need for a more direct gui solution for this that could arise for some form of organizations or businesses that are growing / learning:
I.e. a "transfer channel x to account y" would be the feature that might solve this.
Just an idea, for later.
I see a use case / need for a more direct gui solution for this that could arise for some form of organizations or businesses that are growing / learning:
- I create several channels a b c within my account
- I meet someone who should take over channel b but keep it on the same server
- the access right "can manage channel" does not suffice because I don't want that channel for myself anymore and it does not include full ownership transfer
I.e. a "transfer channel x to account y" would be the feature that might solve this.
Just an idea, for later.
Yes, I did miss the part about cloning onto the same site. This currently cannot be done as the guid and key (hence the portable_id) is the same.
@h.ear.t | tobias Mein Versuch, einen Ausschnitt aus deinem Kommentar zu übersetzen
Ich sehe Anwendungsszenarien / Nutzen für eine menübasierte Lösung könnte für manche Organisationen oder Unternehmen:Ich habe keine wörtliche, sondern eher funktionale Übersetzung gemacht. Stimmt die Übersetzung?Ein "Den Kanal x dem Account y übereignen"-Feature könnte hier eine Lösung sein.
- ich erstelle unter meinem Account unterschiedliche Kanäle
a b c
- es entsteht eine Notwendigkeit einen Kanal b auf dem gleichen Hub zu speichern
- dei Berechtigung "Kann meinen Kanal administrieren" reicht nicht aus, weil dies ist kein Kanal für mich selbst und hier geht es nicht um die vollständige Übertragung der Eigentumsrechte
@Mike Macgirvin When I change with text editor the channel_guid-value in the exported
.json file
and trial this .json file to import, can other channels respectively the source of .json file
channel thereby damaged?
As far as I understand, changing the GUID will create a new channel which has no relationship to the original one.
@M. Dent
What would be the benefit of cloning a channel on a hub?I want use the source channel as template for quick cloning of this channel complete whith profile photo. For siblings channel, channel family

Ok, so you want to have some sort of "copy channel" rather than "clone". Hmmm.... Thinking through, I don't think this is currently supported.
I haven't looked at the json import, but given how the identity in Hubzilla works, I think it's going to be more complicated than changing/deleting just a couple items - eg., you probably do not want shared encryption keys among all the channels - so those would need to be created and put in their proper place. I don't know what else off hand.
To do it by manually editing the JSON file, I don't think is some minor out-patient surgery type thing - I think it would be more like major invasive surgery. (I could be wrong)
Maybe take a look at the "import" code and see what happens if there is no value for the important stuff - maybe it will just created it if it's missing and you can create a json import file with only the stuff you are interested in. I tend to doubt this is the case, but it should be fairly obvious to figure out if you know even the basics of PHP (and if you feel comfortable editing JSON by hand, I imagine you have the background to at least understand PHP well enough to figure out what the import is doing).
I haven't looked at the json import, but given how the identity in Hubzilla works, I think it's going to be more complicated than changing/deleting just a couple items - eg., you probably do not want shared encryption keys among all the channels - so those would need to be created and put in their proper place. I don't know what else off hand.
To do it by manually editing the JSON file, I don't think is some minor out-patient surgery type thing - I think it would be more like major invasive surgery. (I could be wrong)
Maybe take a look at the "import" code and see what happens if there is no value for the important stuff - maybe it will just created it if it's missing and you can create a json import file with only the stuff you are interested in. I tend to doubt this is the case, but it should be fairly obvious to figure out if you know even the basics of PHP (and if you feel comfortable editing JSON by hand, I imagine you have the background to at least understand PHP well enough to figure out what the import is doing).
@Oliver I don't think so, at least in my case. Imagine I am running a support channel on but don't want to continue. You'd like to take over but for reasons it is to stay on that hub. This problem is not solved by me creating a different profile.
It's more a "move channel from account x to account y".
It's more a "move channel from account x to account y".