Images in comments
Why is it not enabled post images in comments?
Channel permissions category: Social - Mostly public. Hubzilla Version 2.8
#comments #ImagesInComments #Permissions @Hubzilla Support Forum+
Channel permissions category: Social - Mostly public. Hubzilla Version 2.8
#comments #ImagesInComments #Permissions @Hubzilla Support Forum+
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Its not clear where to upload the files, and impossible to know the permissions to use since the ACL is private known only to the post owner. You can use zmg and img bbcode tags to embed images that are public or that you think the post viewers can access.
@neue medienordnung plus Derjenige, der postet legt die Berechtigungen auf diesen Post fest: wer darf kommentieren, wer sieht die Bilder, etc. Die Kommentare erben diese Berechtigung.
@Einer von Vielen Lehrreich wäre, wenn jemand eine Visualisierungslösung umsetzen würde: Welche Berechtigungen sind gesetzt je nach Art der Nachricht/ Forums.
@Mike Macgirvin your zrl tag doesn't trigger OWA for me, it seems to work like a regular url.
@Raymond Monret This came up last week. You're on 2.8 and I'm using encrypted OWA tokens which your site doesn't yet know about. We will probably need a point release to make this work, as I'm not going to provide a backward compatibility hack to send unencrypted tokens for hopefully understandable reasons.
Ah, I didn't notice that the post was public. Now it makes sense that the attachment button can be there, because it is not private information that the ACL is public. In a post that is not public, the attachment button does not appear.
@Andrew Manning, there is no attach button for me in this public thread. I understand there should be?
Whenever I need to add an image via comment I upload it using the normal post form, then c&p that generated URL into the comment. This is also what I did right now within this thread.
This is the screenshot:
@Andrew Manning, there is no attach button for me in this public thread. I understand there should be?
Whenever I need to add an image via comment I upload it using the normal post form, then c&p that generated URL into the comment. This is also what I did right now within this thread.
This is the screenshot:

@h.ear.t | tobias
@h.ear.t | tobias What mean you with
@h.ear.t | tobias If you uploaded the image not with cloud form[webname], but with one startpost (share), then have you one cryptic URL how
there is no attach button for me in this public thread.For me too.
@h.ear.t | tobias What mean you with
Private information, that the ACL is public
? The URL to the folder with the uploaded image? How
?@h.ear.t | tobias If you uploaded the image not with cloud form[webname], but with one startpost (share), then have you one cryptic URL how
there is no attach button for me in this public thread.
For me too.
If you don't see an attach button, it is because your permissions are configured in a way that your photos are not visible to the general public by default. This is OK, it is not a bug, but in order for your photos in comments to be seen by everybody in the conversation, we have to make them public. We don't do this if your photos are normally private or hidden, because it would be inconsistent with your privacy expectations.
@Mike Macgirvin
If you don't see an attach button, it is because your permissions are configured in a way that your photos are not visible to the general public by default.Where find I the permissions settings for photos?
Lehrreich wäre, wenn jemand eine Visualisierungslösung umsetzen würde: Welche Berechtigungen sind gesetzt je nach Art der Nachricht/ Forums.
Das ist etwas, das ich sehr vermisse. Ich habe einfach kein Gefühl dafür was wo sichtbar ist. Ich bin auch der Meinung, dass das viel transparenter gelöst werden sollte. Bei vielen Einstellungen hat man ja auch gar nicht die Möglichkeit zu prüfen, ob sie das machen, was man beabsichtigt, so dass man permanent mit der Unsicherheit lebt, dass andere u.U. den jeweiligen Post nicht sehen bzw. darauf antworten können.
Bei vielen Einstellungen hat man ja auch gar nicht die Möglichkeit zu prüfen, ob sie das machen, was man beabsichtigt,Für die Überprüfung "Sehen unangemeldete User ein Post?"- habe ich ständig eine Browser-Instanz "Hubzilla nicht angemeldet" am Laufen, wo ich bei relevanten Inhalten die URL des fraglichen Posts/ Webseite/ ... öffne. In anderen Szenarien prüfe ich dann mit einem angemeldeten Profil B, ob angemeldeter B-User die Posts von A-User sieht. Hast du noch Anwendungsfälle, die mit diesen zwei Testszenarios nicht abgedeckt sind?
@neue medienordnung plus
That is the screenshot, part of @Andrew Manning 's post. That is why I said above the image: "This is the screenshot".
But I wanted that part in because it shows that the screenshot taken live from this very thread.
And I do not have an attach button, as others appear to have. Hubzilla: latest dev.
What mean you with Private information, that the ACL is public ?
That is the screenshot, part of @Andrew Manning 's post. That is why I said above the image: "This is the screenshot".
But I wanted that part in because it shows that the screenshot taken live from this very thread.
And I do not have an attach button, as others appear to have. Hubzilla: latest dev.
@neue medienordnung plus
Is this what you are looking for?
Where find I the permissions settings for photos?
Is this what you are looking for?

@Maria Karlsen Your Image is for me not visible :-|.
Hovewer, I have now an attach button in comments forms in this public thread.
Hovewer, I have now an attach button in comments forms in this public thread.
@neue medienordnung plus
Einstellungen => Sicherheits- und Datenschutz- Einstellungen => Kanal-Berechtigungslimits => Kann meine Datei- und Bildordner sehen
Where find I the permissions settings for photos?
Einstellungen => Sicherheits- und Datenschutz- Einstellungen => Kanal-Berechtigungslimits => Kann meine Datei- und Bildordner sehen