[observer.webname= ...]

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Helpful for interactive webpages were an [observer.webname=HereWebName] -statement. Similar to [observer.language=en] . S. also https://hub.libranet.de/help/member/bbcode#Hubzilla_specific_codes
[observer.language=en]Text to display if observer language is English[/observer]
[observer.language!=de]Text to display if observer language is not German[/observer]

What would you think? I created @Github one nice-to-have issue .

German version:
Wenn man den Wert [observer.webname in Hubzilla analysieren könnte, könnte man die Kommunikation sehr persönlich gestalten :-). Und ich schätze, dass dies kein großer Aufwand sein dürfte, dieses Feature zu implementieren.
The identity-aware elements of Hubzilla webpages can actually be pretty powerful, but I haven't seen anyone actually using them in an interesting way. Individual pages and menus can be access controlled already, allowing you to have a website where only some selected set of authenticated visitors can see certain menus and pages. This means that including conditional statements in the layout for individuals is mostly redundant, and without a compelling use case it's not worth spending the time to implement.

If I can go slightly off topic: Last year I made a hub for a community site, where I made the hub homepage a public website where anonymous visitors could read basic information about the organization, while authenticated visitors could see additional menu items linking them to additional access controlled content. (This community hub was abandoned after initial interest evaporated inexplicably :-( )

The use case in which this makes the most sense is for a channel to, for example, have some kind of special content on restricted pages that are only visible to people who are "approved connections". For instance, you could have a business who provides a page of coupons to anyone willing to "connect" to the business channel. Perhaps the business could even require that you grant them the permission to send content to your network stream for advertising purposes in exchange for the discount coupons.

While the possibilities are there, as far as I know, no one is actually using any of this capability other than to show some toy demonstration of what Hubzilla "could potentially do". While I always enjoy hearing creative ideas, I find I'm reluctant to spend much time on them unless something is actually being built that drives the development of these features.
Haakon Meland Eriksen (Parlementum)
  last edited: Fri, 19 May 2017 07:06:40 +0200  
The observed asset's access to attributes of the observer determines what can be done, as well as who is the owner of observed asset. Most of our members with some asset available cannot program, so any attributes of the observer must be easy to use and relevant to use for the asset owner.

Traditionally, we our members have valued privacy so high properties like observer.gender, observer.accessibility , observer.has.thing , observer.want.thing and so on are not available. Other attributes like observer.role , observer.technicallevel are hard to do and have not been a priority.

Some of these issues can be addressed by visiting an asset with different profiles or a profile where you decide which of your profile attributes have privacy issues for you individually (rather than assuming people are unaware of what they need or are unwilling to take risks).

Other observer attributes are really hard to do in a way interesting to non-admins or non-programmers. In the case of text or image as assets, as a former English teacher and student of Arabic, I can tell you I cannot do anything interesting I have not already done in a text for a given observer or group of observers without their gender, number, declension. English has the first, second and third person singular and plural, Arabic also has the dual-person, i.e. addressing "the two of you" - with correct gender.

If I want to personalize an asset for an individual unknown observer, to give them a gift or present, I need to assume a lot of things to do it well, like an advanced horoscope. Who is P.D. James or J.K. Rowling or George? Boy or girl, woman or man? George is short for the girl Georgina who likes to dress like a boy, P.D. James was a female author who died in 2014, while J.K. Rowling is still very much alive and the female author of the books and plays about Harry Potter amongst other things. observer.age and observer.gender would help to personalize the asset, perhaps observer.fictional is in order to address Enid Mary Blyton's character George - really Georgina - from The Famous Five adventure series.

Creating assets, like jokes, adventure stories or images from still images of stinky cheese to porn with a personal twist quickly falls apart without more observer attributes. Personalized tours of a city you are in is out of the question. If you love Sherlock Holmes, you could have been given Baker Street in London straight away, or Cardiff in Wales if you love Doctor Who.

The one I would really like is observer.accessibility , which could be used to present a more accessible asset to those friends who really need it.
neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Fri, 19 May 2017 08:51:41 +0200  
I do take back my proposal for analyse of most observer-values, but the analyse of [observer.webname]-value is IMHO absolutely necessary. @Andrew Manning  
The identity-aware elements of Hubzilla webpages can actually be pretty powerful, but I haven't seen anyone actually using them in an interesting way.

Usefull and popular, one Killer application for all: (Hubzilla community and entire open source community, education, business, government, charity organisations and other) would be use of Hubzilla in the Heliza-Scenarios, when Hubzilla keep a promise
Hubzilla enforces fine-grained permissions for information shared across the grid, and websites on hubs are identity-aware. https://project.hubzilla.org/  

Important is exactly fine-grained identity-aware and context-aware special in textcontent to delievery. S. possible scanarios, Hubzilla use cases here . Identity-aware and context-aware content to delievery is also claim of Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Co. But Cortana and Co. have other approaches regards the handling of privacy.

Suppose Hubzilla can analyse with Hubzilla specific codes those value, how [observer.isHubzillaBeginner] or [observer.isHubzillaExpert] , than I can my Hubzilla-Howto's identity-aware attractive to make. Ideally I can re-use not only textblocks but also textsnippets, then can I  time efficient one HowTo for HubzillaBeginner and HubzillaExpert to assemble. And I can the best usability and accessibility in Hubzilla Help to offer - time efficient also for Hubzilla user.