Notification about mention yourself - a bug or a feature?

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Fri, 12 May 2017 09:44:51 +0200  
An notification about the mention yourself - is it a bug or a feature?


#mentionYourself #notification #bugORfeature @Hubzilla Development+ @Hubzilla Support Forum+
Mike Macgirvin
not logged visitor view folder1 with permission "only me" - a bug or a feauture?

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Thu, 11 May 2017 10:05:26 +0200  
I created in my Hubzilla cloud
  • folder folder1with access permission "only me"
  • in folder folder1 upload I a file file1 with access permission "public"
Yet displayed Hubzilla the folder Folder1 for Hubzilla guest (not logged visitor).

Is it a bug or a feauture, that not logged visitor view folder1? @Hubzilla Development+ @Hubzilla Support Forum+
Mario Vavti
I can not reproduce this.
neue medienordnung plus
curious, I reproduce this bevor posting, yet I can not reproduce this. @Mario Vavti, thank you :-).
Mike Macgirvin
Neither can I.
rendezvous plugin: How create access link?

neue medienordnung plus
I installed  rendezvous plugin and I created a new rendezvous. How create I access link?

@Hubzilla Support Forum+ @Andrew Manning # endezvous #rendezvousPlugin
The URL of the "rendezvous" you created is the access link. That's why the URL is a random string of letters. is slaw, very slow :-|

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Wed, 10 May 2017 16:48:59 +0200 is always slaw, very slow. I think it is a pity, because @Seth Martin hosted many interesting Channels.

German Version: Meine Erfahrung ist, dass Kanäle auf grundsätzlich langsam sind. Schade eigentlich. Da bei viele interessante Hubzillaner unterwegs sind. Die dann nur mit erheblicher Verzögerung, es dauert gefühlt ewig - nach einem Klick zu erreichen sind :-|.

@Deutschsprachige Nutzer @We Distribute+ #lastauth #SethMartin @Zot universe NEWS+
Seth Martin
I may have failed to mention that it's all fixed up now. Blazing fast and bleeding edge. I even revived on the same machine.

I'm sorry that it took me a whole week to get it all sorted out. It inconvenienced me greatly and I'm sure it did others too.
Sergei G
no problem.  we are getting a free service, can't complain.
Sergei G
How does this system work at the technical level?  Does it load all channels from other servers?  

What does your server load from other servers?

It seems like an impossible task to load everything when scalability is concerned.
Vergleichstabelle Berechtigungen für unterschidliche Hubzilla-Rollen

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Thu, 11 May 2017 09:22:23 +0200  
Ich mache demnächst ähnlich wie "comparse plugin and channel solutions for multilingulae content maintenance und Featurevergleich beim Teilen von inhalten auf unterschiedlichen Kanälen eine Übersicht "Vergleich von Berechtigungen für unterschiedliche Hubzilla-Rollen". Hier ein Platzhalter. Falls jemand Kribbeln in den Fingern hat und die erste Zeile in die Übersicht eintippen möchte, dann einfach melden. Ich richte dann eine Berechtigung "Webseiten-Editor für ..." ein. Anregungen zu der Übersichtstabelle hier im Thread sind auch gern gesehen.

#Berechtigungen #Vergleichstabelle #HubzillaRollen #HubzillaRolle

@Deutschsprachige Nutzer+ @Zot universe NEWS+ @We Distribute+
hEARt PhoniX
Habe eine tabellarische Auflistung der möglichen Channelrollen heeme liegen. Muss meine Gitclonedevumgebung korrekt in den Griff bekommen, dann kann ich den Pull requesten.
neue medienordnung plus
@tobias Ein Paar Fragen dazu:
  • in welchem Kontext, zu welchem Zweck wurde deine Liste gemacht?
    • mit der ersten Frage verbundene Frage: wohin wird die Liste gepullt?
  • spricht was dagegen, wenn du diese Liste vorsorglich per copy & paste hier im Thread als Plaintext, bbcode, html - was auch immer teilst? Pullen wohin auch immer geht dann immer noch :).
Works Hubzilla@Home -solution? Hubspace as distributed Hubzilla runtime environment

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Wed, 10 May 2017 18:31:36 +0200  
  last edited: Wed, 10 May 2017 14:20:37 +0200  
I do not understand what you are proposing. Hubzilla plugins can use the Zot to allow access to (1) local hub members only, (2) only authenticated members on the network, (3) all visitors including non-authenticated, or (4) some custom access list that the plugin supports on its own. A plugin does not necessarily have to be installed locally on a hub for someone to use it. An example is my Rendezvous plugin. Anyone visiting the plugin with the "secret link" may participate in the map, but only local members can see the page that allows you to create maps.

If you are talking about allowing non-admins to download and install plugins (even cryptographically verified ones), then this will not be allowed because plugins have unrestricted access to the database and web root files.

Edit: I didn't see Mike's comment until a few hours after I posted this reply)
neue medienordnung plus
@Mike Macgirvin
So the only difference between this and what we're doing today is using webtorrent instead of http/dav as a distribution method?

My goal is in Hubzilla-ecosystem together with other Grid-member such workflows and infrastructure to establish, whereby is it possible:
  • time-saving distributing, quality check und quick availability of new Hubzilla-Features, for example plugins
  • quick availability of new Hubzilla-Features for interested members
I thing important difference is, that distribution with webtorrent decentralized is.

However, I strive only for solutions, these satisfied the safety requirements of Hubzilla-project.
neue medienordnung plus
@Andrew Manning
A plugin does not necessarily have to be installed locally on a hub for someone to use it. An example is my Rendezvous plugin. Anyone visiting the plugin with the "secret link" may participate in the map, but only local members can see the page that allows you to create maps.

Ma Idea is, one workflow with BittorrentServer plugin how with Rendezvous plugin. One member, for example Mary can install BittorentServer plugin and Gustav can test the functionality of this plugin.
Profilfotos, Profile Photos

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Tue, 09 May 2017 18:24:08 +0200  
Hubzilla created on my Hub for Profile Photos two profile folder - s. screenshot:
  • Profile Photos (en)
  • Profilfotos (de)
Is it a feature or a bug? I had problems with displaying of profl photos, therefore my question.



@Hubzilla Support Forum @Hubzilla Development+
image -URL in webpage damaged

neue medienordnung plus
This image URL1
[z r l=][z m g=444x298][/zmg][/zrl]

in Webpage was seemingly inexplicable damaged. I attached the image repeatedly. Here new working image-URL2:

[z r l=][z m g=444x298] [/zmg][/zrl]

Any ideas, why the image URL1 damaged? @Hubzilla Support Forum+
missed images in webpages from cloned Identity

neue medienordnung plus
I cloned one Profil from Hub H1 with Hubzila Version 2.2 to Hub H2 with Version 2.3.2. The 'old' webpages from H1 are also cloned. Is this behavior
in webpages contained images are on Hub H2 not displayed.

a bug or a feature? @Hubzilla Support Forum+
Submit-Label in Channel-Setting dialog through Save-Setting to replace

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Tue, 09 May 2017 09:46:56 +0200  
I suggest, in Channel-"Setting" dialog the "Submit"-Label through Save to replace. I mean, that "Submit"-Label reflects the UI-perception of Hubzilla-developer. "Save"-Feature reflects the UI-perception from the perspective of the average user.

@Hubzilla Development+ @Hubzilla Support Forum @Deutschsprachige Nutzer @DE Übersetzungen+
True, the programmer sees the "submission of a an HTML form" while the person using Hubzilla thinks of what they are doing as "saving their settings". Good point.

Honestly most of the settings would be more easily set by an AJAX call that saves them without pressing a Save/Submit button at all, but this is annoying to implement; plus, when you have a mixture of immediately saved settings and some that require a Save button it is more confusing.
neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Tue, 09 May 2017 12:55:21 +0200  
I prefer saving with pressing a Save button. Benefits of this with pressing-solution:
  • I can if any change the input - bevor pressing button.
  • Important! AJAX caused as the case may be needless data transfer. Maybe some with AJAX transfered values (for example the channel and profil setings) will be immediately synchronized - possibly needless.
Wich code allowed AllowCode option?

neue medienordnung plus
I haven't got a clue, wich code allowed #AllowCode option. PHP-code? For wich engine? I would like you to give me an answer on this issue :-).

BTW: It is a pity, that Hubzilla cann't search for AllowCode in the Hubzilla-docu. With this query get I any reply for AllowCode-question  :-|.

@Hubzilla Support Forum+
Mike Macgirvin
It is a pity, that Hubzilla cann't search for AllowCode in the Hubzilla-docu.

Sure it can. Enter '?allowcode' in the search box to search in documentation, or 'allowcode' to search in posts. I get results for both of these, but admittedly they aren't very good. I get no results at all for the ddg search.

Anyway, by default all channels are 'filtered' so that they cannot enter any executable code - be it php, or javascript embedded in html or css. If you provide 'allowcode' rights to their channel they completely bypass this filter and can create webpages and blocks using php or javascript - and they can even include javascript inside markdown pages for example. So basically they are unfiltered for malicious content. They won't be able to export this content to other systems unless the receiving channel has codeallowed access also. This used to be a toggle 'per account' but as of 2.4 I believe it has been turned into a channel only setting; which can be set at the admin/channel page. If you have a legacy 'account codeallowed' setting it will no longer be honoured. This gave unfiltered access to all your channels but this is a bad idea. The ability to do malicious activities should be carefully allowed and with the account level option it was too easy to accidentally give it to (for instance) a forum channel and present unnecessary security risks.
Sure it can. Enter '?allowcode' in the search box to search in documentation

In 2.4RC I get no results, and mostly the docu search is broken now because of my restructuring of the docu months ago. I still have not fixed the search problem because honestly I just forgot about it. That is an important feature so I will work on fixing that.
"Daten-Plattform: Deutsche Konzerne wollen Google und Facebook Konkurrenz machen"

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Mon, 08 May 2017 15:48:18 +0200  
Mehrere deutsche Konzerne wollen mit einer Daten-Plattform gegen die Dominanz von US-Unternehmen wie Google und Facebook ankämpfen.

Man wolle einen einheitlichen Zugang zu Online-Diensten schaffen, teilten die Allianz, Axel Springer, Daimler, die Deutsche Bank und der Kartendienst Here mit. Kern des Angebots soll demnach ein sogenannter "Generalschlüssel" werden. Diesen können Kunden branchenübergreifend verwenden, um sich im Internet zu registrieren und zu identifizieren. Zugesagt werden außerdem höchste Standards bei Datensicherheit und Datenschutz. Die Umsetzung des Projekts stehe aber noch unter dem Vorbehalt der Zustimmung der Wettbewerbsbehörden, hieß es weiter.
Zitiert von hier

Kam g'rade in den Nachrichten. So, so, ein #Superportal steht also in den Startlöchern. Und der Staat bekommt dann ein Kopie von diesem #Generalschlüssel :-|. Wenn dies kein Anlass ist, eine knackige Pressemitteilung über Hubzilla zu zaubern ;-).

@Deutschsprachige Nutzer+ @Zot universe NEWS+  #DatenPlattform #Datensicherheit #Datenschutz #OnlineDienste #AxelSpringer #Allianz #Daimler #KartendienstHere #Kartendienst #DeutscheBank #Google #Facebook
Federation across language borders in Hubiversum

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Mon, 08 May 2017 11:39:35 +0200  
I mean, that is good for Hubzilla-project is, if we all Hubiversum-member succeed to federated other know-how share, other activity organise exchange across language borders :-). I mean, that better know-how sharing across language borders can the Hubzilla-development accelerate.

I have a feeling that many know-how in the english filter bubble and other filter bubbles remain unused. Unfortunately. And these english filter bubble caused possibly to many requests from users with insufficient english knowledge :-|.

#FilterBubble #EnglishFilterBubble #GermanFilterBubble #LanguageFilterBubble #Hubzillaproject #Hubiversum #AcrossLanguageBorders #FederationAcrossLanguageBorders #HubzillaKnowhow

@Hubzilla Support Forum+ @Hubzilla Development+ @DE Übersetzungen+ @Deutschsprachige Nutzer+ @Hubzilla Verbindet Menschen. Workshop @Zot universe NEWS+
neue medienordnung plus
 last edited: Tue, 09 May 2017 10:30:19 +0200  
@kris The Hubzilla-Homepage (HP) is manageable task for translation. Or exist already Hubzilla-HP in your native language? I translated two weeks ago the Hubzilla-HP in german and yet get one HP-visitor with browser default language german the translated version of Hubzilla-Homepage :-).

neue medienordnung plus
 last edited: Tue, 09 May 2017 10:44:29 +0200  
Is it expensive task, one #LanguageFederation -Feature to implement? Details s. in the discussion Instead of searching channel per key word we could search with the language filter.

@kris @Hubzilla Development+ #FilterBubble
neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Wed, 10 May 2017 07:08:43 +0200  
@kris What features must have one #LanguageFilter in comparsion with one #HubzillaLanguageChannel? For example german German-speaking people can use the @Deutschsprachige Nutzer -Channel . You, @kris can initiate one #YourNativeLanguageChannel in #hubspace, where contain mostly content in the #appropriateLanguage :).
Ideen hinsichtlich Hubzilla/ Hubiversum Use Cases - Anwendungsszenarien gefragt

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Mon, 08 May 2017 10:29:59 +0200  
am 15.05.2017 darf ich meine Ideen hinsichtlich Hubzilla/ Hubiversum Use Cases - Anwendungsszenarien - in einem mittelständischen IT-Unternehmen in Oldenburg vortragen. Drückt mir die Daumen. Und denkt daran, dass meine Erfolgschancen umso besser sind, desto mehr Feedback, Verbesserungsvorschläge ich zu meinen Ideen hier im Hubiversum bekomme ;-).

@Deutschsprachige Nutzer+ @Zot universe NEWS+
date- and Ttme-values for the webpage

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Sun, 07 May 2017 17:36:09 +0200  
I would like to insert the created and edited date- and Ttme-values - s. screenshot - in the webpage . Is it possible?


@Hubzilla Support Forum+
Misleading notification for modified event

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Sun, 07 May 2017 10:29:41 +0200  


says notification demon "commented on member abc's post", although in this case, the member abc only modified the post. I believe that commented-wording misleading for this event. Especially Hubzilla-Beginners maybe to look vainly for comments :-|. So, what do you think? Insbesondere Meinung der Hubzilla-Anfänger interessiert mich.

@Hubzilla Support Forum+ @Deutschsprachige Nutzer @DE Übersetzungen+ #commented #modified #notifications
Mike Macgirvin
The notifications probably need to be filtered to remove edit activities.
Mario Vavti
An edit notification is not an option?
neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Sun, 07 May 2017 11:09:43 +0200  
I mean, an edit notification is helpfull, because it might important post-modifications are.
not all webpages from original -Profil are available for the clon

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Sun, 07 May 2017 09:56:08 +0200  
I cloned my -Profil on -Hub at moment xyz. After Login on are for me yet only these webpages available, these I modify on the after the time xyz. Is it a bug or feature, that not all webpages from -Profil are available for the -clon?

  • - 2.0.6
  • - 2.2
@Hubzilla Support Forum+
neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Sun, 07 May 2017 12:01:16 +0200  
Also blocks, menus, Layouts and pages are vulnerable to this error. I reproduced this bug for two hubs.

  • source -> - 2.0.6
  • target -> - 2.2
Steffen K9 🐙
Is there something I can do or check for you? When did you start the cloning? Maybe I can spot something in the logs...
neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Sun, 07 May 2017 19:30:01 +0200  
Steffen, danke für deine Unterstützung heute und auch bei meinen vorigen Anfragen diese Tage per EMail ( :-)) auch. ich antworte auf deutsch, da es schneller für mich ist. Also das waren wenige Webseiten bei mir. Ich habe einfach heute auf restliche noch nicht synchronisierte Webseiten nacheinader geöffnet und gespeichert. Jetzt habe ich einen vollständigen Backup auf

Ich meine, dass es wenig Sinn macht, jetzt einen Bugreport zu machen, wenn keine Entwickler-Kapazität da ist, um den Report zu analysieren und nach Lösungen zu suchen. Für mich als Anwender ist das Problem vorerst gelöst und ich werde zukünftig einfach dafür sorgen, dass ich eine Kopie der Channel-ID ggf. sofort nach der Erstellung der prmären ID einrichte. Dann passiert so ein Fehler nach meiner Beobachtung nicht. Diese Situation ist entstanden, weil die Mirror-Identität auf wesentlich später nach Erstellung der primären ID auf angelegt wurde.

@steffen K9 . Wenn du Möglichkeit hast, sich einzuklinken und mitmachen, wäre es m.E. sinnvoll, wenn du mal sich den Beitrag von @Andrew Manning anschaust. Im Idealfall könntest du eine deutsche Übersetzung davon im Thread schreiben, weil mein Englisch verbesserungswürdig ist. Ich habe es so verstanden, das @Andrew Manning einen Hubzilla plugin für die Übernahme von neuen multilingualen Inhalten vorschlägt.

Meine Idee ist statt mit Plugin noch eine Baustelle zu öffnen (das Plugin muss man entwickeln und ggf. ständig updaten) einfach für diese Aufgabe die existierende Hubzilla-Lösung mit Export /Import von Webseiten einsetzen bzw. ggf. weiterentwickeln. Das Workflow habe ich hier


skizziert. @steffen K9, kannst du die Beschreibung meiner Idee in diesem THread- in Englisch für @Andrew Manning einstellen? Wenn du, @steffen K9 Fragen zu meiner Idee hast, dann her damit :-).
"Technical skill level"-option for Hubzilla Version 2.2

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Sun, 07 May 2017 09:16:02 +0200  
Exist the option "technical skill level" for Hubzilla Version 2.2? I see the option "Technical skill level" in my account on -Hub ( has Hubzilla Version 2.3.4) - s. screenshot, but on any other hubs with Hubzilla Version 2.0.6 or 2.2.


@Hubzilla Support Forum+ #Technicalskill
Mario Vavti
This feature only exists in pro version. You are probably using standard.
insert CSS stattements in Hubzilla Version 2.2

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Sat, 06 May 2017 10:56:18 +0200  
I want insert on this Hub with Hubzilla-Version 2.2 CSS stattements into one zen-Template - s. bottom. But Hubzilla may refuse to accept this
htmlhead-with-css <style type="text/css">
.mycolor {color: red;}

block. I had tried to save the css-block as text/html, but Hubzilla refuse for store of css-block. text/plain format is stored, but in the webpage are css formats refused.


    [block][var=wrap]none[/var]my content[/block]

I implement succesfull as test my css-solution here with Hubzilla-Version 2.3.4. But I want know: Exist in the Hubzilla Version 2.2 a bug for store in ?

@Hubzilla Support Forum
time effective Hubzilla workflows: bookmarks alternatively to Hubzilla menus

neue medienordnung plus
  last edited: Sat, 06 May 2017 04:53:12 +0200  
It is time effective alternatively to Apps-menu for often used Apps easy bookmarks to create. For example:
  • Cloud - /cloud/
  • Webpages (Hubzilla CMS) - /webpages/
  • Channel Manager - /manage
  • etc.
@Deutschsprachige Nutzer @Hubzilla Support Forum @Hubzilla Verbindet Menschen. Workshop #bookmarks #apps #Webpages #ChannelManager